If you have any concerns about inappropriate or unsafe content on 7toucans, we offer a way for you to flag the content directly on the site. Select a link from the list below to learn the best way to report this type of content.


Please only report items that are inappropriate as defined in our Community Standards and User Agreement. A difference of opinion isn't the right reason to flag something.

Learn how to report these items:

After reviewing reported items, we'll take them down if necessary. It's against our Privacy Policy to share the identity of someone who flags an item. We have limited ability to act on content appearing beyond our site, unless it's in direct violation of our brand.

fellow travelers

7Toucans provides the easiest way to connect like-minded people who dream of the perfect path to the perfect trip.


7Toucans, it’s about the social network and global online community. Take action and create groups of interests. Get inspired and start discussions on different topics.


7Toucans platform involves the ability to sell and buy travel services online. Travel agencies can offer their services up for auction and then award it to the highest bidder.

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